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首頁技術支持 石英晶振的光刻技術


來源:http://www.zpkwn.cn 作者:泰河電子事業部 2018年07月03
  Time passes by all too quickly. It had been 5 years since the quartz watch that astounded the world, the ‘Seiko Quartz Astron 35SQ,’ had been brought to market. The quartz watch had already become an indispensable tool in people's daily lives, and had become widely popularized. However, awaiting the top manufacturer at that time, Suwa Seikosha Co., Ltd., was a difficult period of stiff competition from rival companies. It had been crucial that the company continue making quartz watches even more compact and affordable, in order to maintain the dominant position it had held until then. However, tuning fork crystal units, the very heart and soul of these watches, were already as small and cheap as technological limitations would allow. How could they overcome the impending crisis? The solution they eventually chose was the implementation of a completely unknown technology. This second installment of ‘The QMEMS Story’ will explore the efforts of the engineers involved in the technological development of QMEMS' origins.

  The year 1974 marked the fifth year since the birth of the world's first quartz watch, the ‘Seiko Quartz Astron 35SQ.’ It was at this time that quartz watches became fully popularized, and production of tuning fork crystal units had to be increased constantly in order to keep up with demand. It was the Quartz Device Division (then Matsushima Industry Co., Ltd.) in Ina, Nagano Prefecture, that was tasked with overseeing the volume production of these devices (see Figure 1). With production and other factors proceeding so smoothly, it seemed as though they could confidently rely on tuning fork crystal units to maintain their core business. Everyone working at the Ina plant was steeped in a deep sense of satisfaction.
  On the surface, everything seemed to be going smoothly. However, the engineers working at the forefront of development had no time to rest. Heated arguments were beginning to take place on a daily basis between the engineers at Suwa's Watch Design Division and those at Ina Quartz Device Division. For watch manufacturers, the ability to make devices smaller and more affordable was vital, and they barely had time to pause for breath.

  The Quartz Device Division understood the wishes of the Watch Design Division. But it was simply not possible to make tuning fork crystal units any smaller than they already were. The Watch Design Division, on the other hand, needed the crystal units to be made more compact so that they could move on to their next commercial product line of ladies' watches. They were desperate for the engineers to come up with something.
  There was a reason behind the Suwa Watch Design Division's stubborn refusal to back down. It had been 5 years since they had first launched the world's first quartz watch, and competition in the market was becoming increasingly tough, particularly with Hong Kong's sudden rise in manufacturing. It was therefore essential to continue making watches more compact and affordable in order for the company to maintain its dominant position. Accordingly, they began to consider bringing to market a new line of ladies' watches that would be dramatically smaller than existing watches. To achieve this, it was absolutely crucial that they be able to make tuning fork crystal units ? the very heart of these devices - yet smaller again.
  However, nothing is without its limitations. ‘Of course, it was possible in theory to make these crystal units even smaller. But that would have caused costs to skyrocket. So the fact remained that in practice, it wasn't really possible to make them any smaller after all.’ This was the true position of the Quartz Device Division. As usual, the inter-divisional arguments were going nowhere.

  蘇瓦株式會社手表設計部門頑固拒絕退縮的原因是有原因的。自從他們首次推出世界上第一塊石英表已經有5年了,市場競爭變得越來越艱難,尤其是香港制造業突然興起。因此,為了使公司保持其主導地位,繼續制造更緊湊和更實惠的手表至關重要。因此,他們開始考慮向市場推出一系列女士腕表,這些腕表比現有腕表小得多。要做到這一點,他們能夠制造音叉晶體單元是絕對至關重要的?這些設備的核心 - 再次變小。
Crystek Crystal時鐘振蕩器型號列表
Crystek Crystal瑞斯克晶振TCXO Crystal型號目錄





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