Greenray Industries
來源: 作者:泰河盛電子 2023年08月14
接近60年的運行,我們的高性能頻率控制設備專為1 Hz至1 GHz的苛刻應用而設計。所有Greenray振蕩器產品都是在我們位于賓夕法尼亞州Mechanicsburg的工廠設計,組裝和測試的。我們的質量管理體系已通過ISO 9001:2015 + AS9100D標準認證。本標準結合了ISO 9001:2015和航空航天的額外行業特定要求。該標準比ISO 9001:20015更嚴格,是國防和航空航天工業所必需的,并為我們設計和制造的產品質量提供了更高程度的信心。
Greenray Industries設計和生產高性能頻率控制器件,包括OCXOs, TCXOs, VCXOs和時鐘振蕩器等格林雷晶振。
Greenray vcxo專為通信,儀器和測試設備應用而設計。我們的VCXOs有多種封裝,包括SMT和低剖面DIP。
Greenray tcxo專為通信、儀器和國防應用而設計。我們的TCXOs具有1ppm或更低的溫度穩定性,可用于多種封裝,包括SMT,可從20 KHz到1 GHz。
Greenray OCXOs有多種封裝,從微型DIP和SMT到更大的工業標準尺寸。我們提供廣泛的頻率范圍,從1MHz到200mhz,以滿足您的特定要求。
利用獨特的設計技術,Greenray ocxo專注于低相位噪聲和溫度下緊密的頻率穩定性,并為國防和通信應用提供出色的長期特性。

Greenray Industries is committed to providing high precision quartz crystal oscillators that incorporate cutting edge solutions for next generation programs and that meet or exceed the requirements of our worldwide industrial and defense customers.
Approaching 60 years of operation, our high performance frequency control devices are designed for demanding applications from 1 Hz to 1 GHz. All Greenray oscillator products are designed, assembled and tested at our facility in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Our Quality Management System is certified to the ISO 9001:2015 + AS9100D standard. This standard incorporates ISO 9001:2015 with additional industry specific requirements for aerospace. More stringent than ISO 9001:20015, the standard is necessary for the defense and aerospace industries and offers a higher degree of confidence in the quality of the products we design and manufacture.
Greenray Industries designs and manufactures high performance frequency control devices including OCXOs, TCXOs, VCXOs and Clock Oscillators.
We manufacture SMT, thru-hole, hybrid and custom products.
Greenray is committed to providing tight stability oscillators that satisfy the special needs of our customers. Low phase noise is also a priority, and these components are available in a variety of package options, including SMT.
While offering outstanding vibration, shock and acceleration sensitivity performance, our ruggedized components also provide competitive stability and phase noise characteristics. In fact, the stability performance of several of our TCXOs matches that of an OCXO, but without the excessive power draw and warm-up time. In addition, we offer self-calibrating oscillators with excellent reliability and long-term stability.
Greenray VCXOs are designed for communications, instrumentation and test equipment applications. Our VCXOs are available in a variety of packages, including SMT and low profile DIP.
Greenray TCXOs are designed for communications, instrumentation and defense applications. Our TCXOs feature temperature stabilities of 1ppm or less and are available in a variety of packages, including SMT, and are available from 20 KHz to 1 GHz.技術資料
We incorporate leading-edge design and innovative manufacturing techniques to produce an extremely rugged TCXO that is ideal for mobile and airborne applications. Our TCXOs feature tight stability, low phase noise and ultra-low g-sensitivity.
Greenray OCXOs are available in a variety of packages from miniature DIP and SMT to larger, industry-standard sizes. We offer a wide range of frequencies, from 1MHz to 200 MHz, to satisfy your specific requirements.
Utilizing unique design techniques Greenray OCXOs focus on low phase noise and tight frequency stability over temperature, and offer excellent long-term characteristics for use in defense and communications applications.
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