來源: 作者:泰河電子晶振 2018年05月23
Ultra-low Profile Tuning ForkOffers Significant Performance in Compact Package
Fox’s new SMD crystal ideal for handheld and portable applications.
Fort Myers, Fla. May 2015 – Fox Electronics, a leading global supplier of frequency control solutions and an IDT company, has developed its most compact watch crystal, measuring just 1.6 mm x 1.1 mm x 0.5 mm (L x W x H).
Although smaller in size, the new FX161 crystal operates at many of the same high standards as previous models, making it one of the most efficient tuning forks yet.
The crystal’s ultra-low profile and exceptional performance optimizes the minimal space available in many portable and handheld applications, including wearable devices.
The new surface mount device (SMD) operates at a frequency of 32.768 kHz. Frequency tolerance is ±20 ppm at 25°C with a long term of -0.046 ppm per Delta C2. Standard load capacitance is 12.5 pF, with optional 7 pF or 9 pF available.
The new tuning fork ages only ±3 ppm in the first year, and features a termination finish of gold over nickel. Overall operating temperature range is -40°C to +85°C with a turnover temperature range of +20°C to +30°C and a storage temperature of -55°C to +125°C. Maximum soldering is 10 seconds at 260°C.
The new watch crystal sustains a maximum of 90 kilo-ohms equivalent series resistance and an insulation resistance of 500 mega-ohms at 100 VDC.

美國佛羅里達州邁爾斯堡2015年5月 - 全球領先的變頻控制解決方案供應商福克斯晶振電子與IDT公司合作開發出尺寸僅為1.6毫米x1.1毫米x0.5毫米(長x寬x高)的最緊湊型手表晶體。
新型表面貼裝器件(SMD)的工作頻率為32.768kHz。頻率容限在25°C時為±20 ppm,每個Delta C2長期為-0.046 ppm。標準負載電容為12.5 pF,可選7 pF或9 pF。
新的音叉在第一年的年齡僅為±3 ppm,并且具有金鎳以上的終止表面處理。整體工作溫度范圍為-40°C至+ 85°C,并具有周轉溫度+ 20°C至+ 30°C的范圍和-55°C至+ 125°C的儲存溫度。 260°C時最大焊接時間為10秒。
新型手表晶體可承受最高90千歐姆的等效串聯電阻和100 VDC時的500兆歐姆絕緣電阻。
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