來源:http://www.zpkwn.cn 作者:泰河電子晶振 2018年09月06
Taiwan's TXC Crystal has newly developed the world's smallest oven crystal oscillator with a package size of 9.7*7.5*5.5mm. It combines the special miniaturized structure design of the micro oven with high stability SC-cut crystal and integrated circuit technology.
Better temperature stability and low phase noise compared to traditional OCXO crystal. And high frequency stability and excellent reliability for airflow environments.
For time synchronization applications, it provides a good high stability and low phase noise clock solution, which can greatly reduce the power consumption of components and reduce the space of circuit design.

Taiwan's TXC Crystal has newly developed the world's smallest oven crystal oscillator with a package size of 9.7*7.5*5.5mm. It combines the special miniaturized structure design of the micro oven with high stability SC-cut crystal and integrated circuit technology.

特征 | 優點 |
SC切割水晶單元 |
(a)低相位噪聲 (b)低老化性能 (c)優異的短期穩定性 |
小型化烤箱結構 |
(a)高溫穩定性 (b)對氣流環境的高頻穩定性 |
高度集成的電路技術 | 與傳統的分立式OCXO相比,基于ASIC,卓越的可靠性 |
小包裝尺寸 |
(a)低功耗 (b)節省布局空間 |
Better temperature stability and low phase noise compared to traditional OCXO crystal. And high frequency stability and excellent reliability for airflow environments.

項目/參數 | OG系列 | |
輸出類型 | CMOS / | 截斷正弦波 |
頻率范圍 | 10,12.8,19.2,20,30.72,40 MHz | |
頻率穩定性 | ±10~±50ppb的 | |
工作電壓 | 3.3V | |
目前的消費 | 穩定<0.5W | |
工作溫度范圍 | - 40~85℃ | |
存儲溫度范圍 | - 55~125℃ | |
短期穩定性 | 艾倫偏差<5.0E-11 / s | |
老齡化表現 |
<±500ppb第一年 <±2.0ppm 20年 |
For time synchronization applications, it provides a good high stability and low phase noise clock solution, which can greatly reduce the power consumption of components and reduce the space of circuit design.

此文關鍵字: TXC晶振TXC恒溫晶體振蕩器
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