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首頁技術支持技術資料 哪些因素會導致晶振產品特性受影響


來源:http://www.zpkwn.cn 作者:泰河電子晶振 2019年03月29
  In the process of using crystal or crystal welding, there are many problems encountered. Welding problems sometimes cannot be soldered. Crystal products can't be hanged on the board. Soldering and false soldering are all possible. The normal operation of the plate, or the mistakes in the welding process, cause the crystal to deviate too much after welding the board.
Here, Taihe Electronics has compiled a product characteristic for the crystal product and factors affecting the product characteristics for your reference. You can collect it and follow it later.
  First of all, we are concerned about the characteristics of normal temperature products: normal temperature product characteristics are sometimes called room temperature product characteristics, generally refers to the electrical performance parameters measured when the product temperature is 25 ° C, relative humidity is about 50%, mainly frequency , resistance, excitation power correlation and capacitance ratio indicators.
  The frequency of the product at room temperature is mainly to observe its stability and consistency. The stability is relative to a single product. On the one hand, when the product is repeatedly tested on the tester, the frequency change is small, and the good product frequency variation can be less than ±0.5ppm, which is related to the product frequency and TS size. The higher the frequency, the larger the amount of change, the larger the TS is, the larger the change is. The measurement index is generally FL. If it is FR, there is no TS problem. On the other hand, the product does not have frequency drift when working in the circuit. Say that the product frequency should not go to hundreds or even thousands of ppm. Under normal circumstances, only high frequency (27M or more) products will have this problem, especially 3RD products.
  If the frequency is unstable, the amplitude of the offset is hundreds of ppm or accompanied by a small C0 phenomenon, it should be considered whether the glue point is loose.

  For a relatively mature production line, the frequency stability of the product at normal temperature is generally not a problem, the more common is the consistency of the product (difference), especially the high-frequency small tolerance product consistency is often unsatisfactory. Consistency consideration is the frequency tolerance of multiple products. In the test system, observing the normal distribution map of FL can be very intuitive to understand the consistency of the product, and can also use the CPK calculation function in the instrument test system to measure the product by CPK. consistency.
  Due to the incorrect baking time or temperature, the frequency dispersion will be large, but the probability of occurrence is small. The large dispersion of the frequency caused by the chip is generally reflected in the fine adjustment process. In order to understand the consistency of frequency in a timely manner, a sampling station should be added in the sealing welding process to check the condition of fine-tuning after welding, especially to find the fine-tuning range or fine-tune the individual difference. When analyzing the cause, it must be considered whether the time of each batch of products flowing in the process is about the same, and the shorter the better, this also has a great impact on the DLD characteristics of the product.
  The room temperature resistance characteristics are mainly the center value and stability. The distance between the resistance center value and the control upper limit is closely related to the product qualification rate. In the test system, the average value can be used instead of the center value. Generally, the product average value is about 50% of the upper control limit. Focus on dispensing and contamination when making process improvements.
Chip failures occur more frequently in the case of large resistors, especially when new chip suppliers or new frequency points are developed.
  Generally, the resistance of the product at room temperature is more stable than the frequency, and the amount of change is more easily controlled within ±0.5 Ω. Generally, only high-frequency products or 3RD products may have such problems. If the product has such a phenomenon, it is often attributed to reliability. In the analysis.
 激勵功率相關性主要是考察產品在不同激勵功率下的頻率或電阻及其變化量,目前SMD產品設定的最小激勵功率一般是0.01uW,最大激勵功率一般是200 uW,20M以上的優良產品DLD2和FDLD應小于1,12M左右的低頻產品DLD2特性稍差,但其中心值也應低于8Ω。產品DLD出問題時的分析圖請參照產品電阻大的分析圖,但有一點應特別引起重視—產品封焊前在制程中的流動速度越快越好,各工序產出應盡量平衡,減少物料在各工序等待時間。
  The excitation power correlation is mainly to investigate the frequency or resistance of the product under different excitation power and its variation. At present, the minimum excitation power set by SMD products is generally 0.01uW, the maximum excitation power is generally 200 uW, and the excellent product DLD2 above 20M. The low-frequency product DLD2 with FDLD should be less than 1,12M is slightly inferior, but its center value should also be lower than 8Ω. For the analysis of the product DLD, please refer to the analysis chart of the product resistance, but one point should be paid special attention. The faster the flow rate in the process before the product is sealed, the better the output should be balanced and the materials should be reduced. Waiting time in each process.
DLD2:電阻激勵功率相關性(RRMAX — RRMIN)。單位:歐姆Ω
FDLD:頻率激勵功率相關性(FLMAX ——FL MIN)
高溫儲存試驗 125℃±10℃;1000H±24H
溫度循環試驗 T1 = -55℃±10℃  T2= 125℃±10℃;循環次數10次。(溫度轉換約30分鐘)
溫度沖擊試驗 T1 = -55℃±10℃  T2= 125℃±10℃;循環次數10次。(溫度轉換時間5秒)
恒溫恒濕試驗  TC 85±10℃ H 85% ;1000H±24H
可焊性(焊錫)試驗 230±10℃;3 s
耐焊接試驗 260±10℃;10 s 
跌落試驗 75 cm;3 次。
振動試驗 頻率10 Hz — 2000 Hz;振幅 1.5 mm;每方向 40 分鐘。
老化率試驗 TC 85±10℃;300 H




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